Whois Data Verification Print

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As per the Whois Data Accuracy Specification introduced by Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers [ICANN] and effective from 1 January, 2014, every Registrar is required to verify the email address of the Registrant contact for each gTLD domain name, within 15 days of:

  • a domain name being registered with unverified Registrant Contact email address,

  • a domain name being transferred in from another Registrar,

  • the Registrant Contact being replaced by a Contact with an unverified email address,

  • the email address of the Registrant Contact being modified to an unverified email address,


  • an unverified email address being associated with a domain name, after the domain name is moved to another Account.

To know more about this please continue https://cp.eyhost.biz/kb/node/2008 this article .

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